PHOTO GALLERY: Ready, Set, Stop?
Apple Store online goes offline during height of one-day sale

by Joe Leo, Columnist November 24, 2006
(from main story, "Holiday Wish List: What's the Apple of Everyone's 'i' (Eye)?")

'HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM': (4:51p PST)-- The Apple Store online is down for the count for an unknown reason and some type of error message is displayed.

'DO NOT ADJUST YOUR TELEVISION SETS': (4:52p PST)-- A simple refresh of the page brings us to the same page which now has the infamous "We'll Be Back Soon" message.

ARE WE THERE YET?: (7:00p PST)-- The Apple Store online still reports that they will be back soon. Time to put on your favorite elevator music CD in the drive.
