iPhone Will Spell 'Armageddon' Industry-Wide if Apple Inc.'s Team-Up
with AT&T is a Trojan Horse, Leading to Something on a Larger Scale
by Joe Leo, Columnist |
continued... from: previous page
Okay, so Apple inc. has addressed that by giving itself a new business model. "Let's not just make computer hardware and software, which by the way, we own and won't let anybody else touch it, but since we do have this thing we call an iPod-- let's change the strategy here. We can have our cake (Macs and Mac OS X) and eat it too (iPod, AppleTV, and iPhone)."
In regard to the digital era? I don't have to explain that do I? I think we can all agree that one of the feathers in their hat is being a leader in the digital embrace, as opposed to the digital divide. What with digital distribution of music, television, and movies, and then its award-winning software suite called "iLife" (which by the way, when are we going to see an update?) which streamlines the ability to create personal content with photos, movies, music, etc.?
If you want to throw in the AT&T factor, you'll remember--if you read it--my article earlier this week about what AT&T stands to benefit from in this team up. The AT&T employee I spoke with at the Cingular Wireless store was right on the ball. Wireless, internet, broadband, communications (ah, which I might add, something that connects us all together, from coast to coast, to here and the rest of the world), you name it.
We go now to Marcel Fenez, Global Managing Partner of Entertainment & Media Practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers, who states in the press release, "The surge in broadband and wireless adoption is generating new digital revenue streams across multiple segments."
It's as if Fenez was in cahoots with our source at the Cingular Wireless store. "Broadband growth is driving online advertising while the proliferation of next-generation wireless devices designed to play digital music, video games and receive TV programming is fueling mobile distribution," adds Fenez.
Do I need to say more? (I can't, I'm out of space and time). If only I could go onto the video games part. Okay, I will. Quickly. Can "Wii" (we/you) spell, N-i-n-t-e-n-d-o?? MacDailyNews.com reported just this week that Apple and Nintendo may be on the verge of teaming up to provide exclusive content on the iPhone in order to entertain the masses. (There better be a Super Mario Bros. title in there somewhere!).
What's also interesting to point out is that of the top eight areas that PriceWaterhouseCoopers deems to be fastest-growing, Apple Inc. is "in control" (to put it lightly) and/or already tied to those ventures through iTunes via the iPod and [Apple]TV, those being: television distrubition, broadcast and cable networks, sports, filmed entertainment, radio, and video games (not as strong on the list unless the aforementioned rumor comes true).
So, prepare for "Ellie" (E.L.E.) coming to visit real soon, an Extinction Level Event of biblical proportions brought to you by Apple Inc. The iPhone's "Deep Impact" may not be felt right away, such as on Friday the 29th, but it sure spells "Armageddon" to come industry-wide at Apple's expense-- if that is indeed their master plan and what transpires after all is said and done.
Not even "Evan Almighty"--opening today in theaters, and soon to be on your iPod, [Apple]TV, and iPhone in about five months--can stop this one from coming to fruition.
(Enough of the movie references yet? And you were wondering why those two disaster flicks were mentioned in the story headline. Heh heh).
NOTE: The news release contained within was obtained from The News Market, a news service we are a member of, which served as the basis for our story.
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