Steve H

Steve Hildreth founded MacPrices in 1998 and has been its editor. Before that, he was Founder & Editor of PowerBook Central from 1996 until that site was closed in 2015. Steve has been an Apple Developer and Apple Affiliate Partner for over 20 years. See more here. Steve's most recent posts:

MacBook Airs on sale for up to $120 off MSRP

 Take up to $120 off the price of 11″ and 13″ MacBook Airs with these sale prices, valid for a limited time. Shipping is free: – 11″ 64GB MacBook Air: $914 $85 off MSRP, $70 rebate required, at MacConnection – 11″ 128GB MacBook Air: $1144.95 $55 off MSRP, at B&H Photo – 13″ 128GB MacBook Air: $1189 $110 off MSRP, $100 rebate required, at MacConnection […]