Charles Moore

Charles Moore (1951-2018) was a well known freelance writer who lived in Nova Scotia, Canada who wrote about the Mac for over 20 years — with a special emphasis on mobile computing from the vintage PowerBook to the current generation of the MacBook and iPad — and his column, “The ‘Book Mystique,” had been a weekly feature on MacPrices since 2011 until his untimely passing in 2018 due to health complications.

How To Stop Worrying And Learn To Love SSDs

The Register’s Andrew Orlowski cites an account from a reader who has taken the SSD plunge and discovered that in 20 years of performance bumps and enhancements nothing has ever made as dramatic a difference as the SSD. The article notes that Apple has consistently moved to moved more demanding versions of its OS, but has chronically underspecified the amount of RAM it ships with […]