Charles Moore

Charles Moore (1951-2018) was a well known freelance writer who lived in Nova Scotia, Canada who wrote about the Mac for over 20 years — with a special emphasis on mobile computing from the vintage PowerBook to the current generation of the MacBook and iPad — and his column, “The ‘Book Mystique,” had been a weekly feature on MacPrices since 2011 until his untimely passing in 2018 due to health complications.

Clean Writer – Oldest iPad Text Editing App, Now At Version 3

Cognitive Bits Software has announced Clean Writer 3.0, a major update to its text editor app exclusively for iPad, which it suggests is perhaps the greatest hardware device for writers – light, powerful and always at hand, lacking only the perfect writing software. Originally created in the summer of 2010, Clean Writer was the first iPad app of its kind — a distraction-free text editor […]