MacBook Pros on sale today with free 8GB RAM upgrade

MacConnection is reporting stock of all five new MacBook Pros today, with the high-end 15″ and 17″ models including a free 8GB RAM upgrade. MacConnection’s savings amounts to as much as $251 over similar configurations from Apple (more if you include sales tax):

– 17″ 2.4GHz MacBook Pro/8GB RAM: $2477.99 $221 savings
– 15″ 2.4GHz MacBook Pro/8GB RAM: $2187.99 $212 savings

Heavily discounted 8GB RAM upgrades are also available with the new 15″ and 13″ MacBook Pros:

– 15″ 2.2GHz MacBook Pro/8GB RAM: $1838.94 $141 savings

– 13″ 2.8GHz MacBook Pro/8GB RAM: $1553.94 $146 savings
– 13″ 2.4GHz MacBook Pro/8GB RAM: $1267.94 $132 savings

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