Heavy Apple iPad Adoption Drives Mobile Device Deployments in Enterprise, Financial Sector leads as iPads Represent 95% of Tablet Activations

Good Technology, a provider of secure and managed enterprise mobility for iPhone, iPad, Android and other leading smartphone platforms, has released its quarterly data report detailing the changing landscape of IT and mobile enterprise technology. The trend of personal smartphones and tablets infiltrating the workplace is being led by both Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android smartphone platforms, but in Q2 of 2011, iOS extended its rally from Q1, increasing in that time from just under seventy percent to just under eighty percent of total device activations. For the first time ever, Q2 also saw more iOS tablet (iPad and iPad 2) activations than the total amount of Android smartphones activated in the same period.

“In the second quarter of 2011, the most striking thing is Good’s users activated more iPad tablets than Android smartphones and tablets combined,” says John Herrema, senior vice president of corporate strategy at Good Technology. “While Android may be gaining smartphone market share with consumers, our business users are clearly gravitating to the iPad and doing so in large numbers. This is especially true in the Financial Services sector, which drove nearly half of all Good’s iPad activations over the quarter.”

Key Data Points:

• While Android continues to gain market share overall, Good’s enterprise end users are showing clear preference for Apple products
• iOS tablet (iPad + iPad2) share of overall net activations outnumbered Android Smartphone activations for the first time – 27.2 percent to 24 percent respectively
• Among the top 10 industry verticals, financial services continued to see the highest level of iPad activation, accounting for nearly half of net iPad activations by industry (46%)more than tripling the amount of activation in any other industry
• iOS tablets represent over 95 percent of total tablet activations
• Android tablets declined slightly to 3.1 percent of overall tablet activations for the quarter
• Android smartphones represented nearly 33 percent of all smartphone (non tablet) activations compared to iPhone’s 66 percent, despite Android’s overall market share growth
• This quarter shows the impact of the iPad 2, which was released at the end of last quarter and did not have sufficient time in market to impact overall Q1 trends

• Good Technology’s Q2 2011 metrics report takes a look at the mobile devices activated by Good Technology’s enterprise customers over the second quarter of 2011. Due, among other things, to the strength of having multiple SKUs available at multiple price points and compatibility with the top two US carriers, Apple’s iOS platform dominated with 78.7 percent of net activations, while Android accounted for 21.3 percent.

Executive Summary Excerpt:

• Tablet adoption continued to grow over Q2 with tablets averaging 27 percent of all device activations, driven by substantial adoption of the iPad 2. In fact, there were more activations of the iPad over the quarter than all Android smartphones and tablets combined. Motorola Xoom was the most popular Android tablet and the Motorola Droid 2 Global was the most highly activated Android smartphone.

Key Data Points:

• While Android continues to gain market share overall, Good’s enterprise end users are showing clear preference for Apple products’ iOS tablet (iPad + iPad2) share of overall net activations outnumbered Android Smartphone activations for the first time 27.2 percent to 24 percent, respectively.

In Figure 1, we see that devices based on Apple’s iOS platform drove the majority of activations for the period from April 1 through June 30, 2011. The iPhone 4 was the most popular device, with a steadily growing activation rate averaging 22 percent for the quarter. The iPad 2 also witnessed strong growth, positioning it as the number 2 device for enterprise activations, averaging 16 percent of all activations. The Verizon iPhone 4 held strong at just under 11 percent of activations, and the Top 5 was rounded out by other iOS devices, the iPhone 3GS and iPad. The rest of the top ten devices each represented just under 2 percent of activations and included the Android Motorola Droid2 Global, Motorola Droid X, HTC Evo 4G, HTC Incredible HD devices, and the iOS iPhone 3G.

Since Good Technology began issuing its quarterly reports in October 2010, Apple devices have driven the majority of Good’s enterprise activations. While Android devices began to close that gap towards the end of Q4 2010, Apple’s domination of the rapidly growing tablet market and the introduction of the Verizon iPhone 4 have re-established iOS as the dominant platform among Good’s users.

In Q2 of 2011 iPhone represented a solid 2/3 of all smartphone activations while Android smartphones represented 1/3 of all activations. When tablets and smartphones are included in this breakdown, iOS drove 75 percent of all activations, with Android at 25 percent for the quarter. Together iPad2 and iPad activations outnumbered all Android device activations as Good customers heavily deployed the iPad 2 tablet to their workforces in Q2 after its initial release in March. With new devices from Apple expected in Q3 2011, we expect iOS to finish the year as strong as it started. While we previously predicted that Android activations would overtake iPhone activations in the smartphone category in 2011, we no longer predict that will happen this year, given Apple’s recent and planned product releases.

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