Check Print’R for macOS Allows Anyone to Easily Create and Print Checks

Delaware-based Match Software has announced the release and immediate availability of Check Print’R 3.21, an important update to their easy-to-use check printing application for macOS. Check Print’R offers users the ability to create and print checks on plain letter-sized paper, or check refill paper (available both online, and in most local office supply stores). The app offers flexible layout of checks, including a choice of fonts, the ability to move almost any check element, as well as the ability to include custom images for use as logos or background images.

Check Print’R also offers users the ability to suppress certain elements of the layout if they are already present on any check refill stock used for printing. Digitized signatures can also be added to the layout to be printed on checks, in order to save precious time normally spent signing checks by hand.

The app also includes a convenient check register, which automatically records all transactions in an easy-to-follow column format, offering the perfect platform for reviewing, reconciling, as well as the viewing and reprinting of checks if needed. In addition to automatically tracking the checks created by the app, Check Print’R’s register allows entry of deposits, ATM transfers and more, automatically updating the account balances with each entry. The contents of the check register can be printed in portrait and landscape format.

“Keeping track of multiple checking accounts, both business and personal, can resemble a juggling act at times. There is no way anyone wants to drop the ball when it comes to tracking their bank transactions,” says Michel Bujardet – Match Software owner, and developer of Check Print’R. “Check Print’R allows you to customize the layout of your checks, print them to plain or check refill paper, and even provides a convenient check register that automatically records the checks you create and tracks your bank balance. This saves time, prevents frustration, and offers users a convenient and efficient way to track their cashflow.”

Check Print’R can track up to 15 different bank accounts, allowing even the busiest user to track their personal and business accounts with ease. Users can quickly switch between accounts with just a few clicks of the mouse. All registers can be printed, or exported in .CSV format, for easy importing into most popular spreadsheet and database applications.

The app also offers flexible printing options, allowing users the ability to print on various types and layouts of paper, including blank letter sized paper, and check refill paper. It offers the ability to print formats such as voucher layout, with checks in the top, middle, or bottom position; the popular three checks per page format, and more. Check Print’R natively supports VersaCheck 1000, 1001, 1002, 3000, and Personal Wallet Size #3001, but thanks to the app’s flexible layout capabilities all types of forms can be used. Checks can be printed individually or in batches, and blank checks can be printed for use as handwritten checks when needed. Check Print’R can also make use of check stock formatted for other popular applications, such as Quicken and QuickBooks.

Check Print’R uses extremely accurate MICR E13B font technology to print any special characters at the bottom of checks, so they are easily recognized by automated bank processing. MICR E13B printing complies with ANSI X9.27-1995, ANSI X9.100-160-1-2009, and Canadian CPA006 standards. While some banks use Optical Character Recognitions to read routing and account numbers, a good many merchants and financial institutions still use magnetic ink readers to scan for information. MICR Toner (magnetic ink), which complies with American Banking Association MICR E13B standards, is available for use with the app from most office supply stores as well as online.

Canadian users will be happy to learn that Check Print’R complies with Canadian standard CPA600, allowing the “Pay to the order of:” field to be replaced by “Pay to:” if needed. Also, the date field allows a choice of date formats, including: MMDDYYYY, DDMMYYYY, and ISO YYYYMMDD. The default date separator, “/” can be replaced by any character or a space.

“Running a business, or tracking personal finances is tough enough these days, without having to deal with check printing headaches,” continues Michel. “Check Print’R helps relieve some of the burden of tracking finances by making check printing as simple as just a few clicks and a couple of keystrokes.”

System Requirements:
* OS X 10.7 or later (macOS Sierra compatible)
* 64-bit processor
* 22.5 MB

Check Print’R 3.21 sells for $15.99 (USD) and is available worldwide through the Mac App Store in the Finance category. The app is also available for purchase from the Check Print’R website. A free trial version is available for download. Check Print’R is available in English, French and Spanish.

Check Print’R 3.21:

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Source: Match Software

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