Yummy FTP Pro $2 Summer Sale

Verwood, United Kingdom based Yummy Software has announced that their newly updated Yummy FTP Pro is now available on the Mac App Store for just $2 for a limited time as part of their Summer Sale Promotion. Yummy FTP Pro features advanced FTP/S, SFTP & WebDAV/S file transfer capabilities and has earned a reputation for ultimate speed, reliability and productivity.

Yummy FTP Pro is an FTP/S, SFTP & WebDAV/S file transfer client which focuses on speed, reliability and productivity. Whether you need to transfer a few files or a few thousand, schedule automatic backups, or perform website maintenance, Yummy FTP Pro will handle it with ease.

* Retina-enabled user interface
* Full FTP/S + SFTP + WebDAV/S protocol support
* Super-fast transfers
* Automatic failure recovery
* Directory synchronization
* Scheduling
* Bandwidth limiting
* Dual or single pane view
* Outline and column listing views
* Quick Look
* Remote editing of server files
* Built-in text editor
* Local-remote file diff
* Bookmark manager + Sync via Dropbox, iCloud & Google Drive
* Open in Terminal
* Import favorites
* File/folder filtering
* Full Screen mode
* Growl support
* Built-in FTP Alias

System Requirements:
* Intel, Mac OS X 10.6.6 or later

Yummy FTP Pro 1.11.9:

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Source: Yummy Software

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