MacDock: The Minimal Dock For MacBook Pro Including Retina

Jan Sapper’s Kickstarter project MacDock claims to be the first docking station for the MacBook that is Apple-design worthy. Just seamlessly connect the MacDock to your MacBook and youll be connected to all your peripherals such as your Monitor, External hard drive, iPad, Mouse, speakers, etc. While designing the MacDock, the developers strove to create a minimalist yet fashionable product that seamlessly blends into your table, especially with your MacBook.

Simply Connect Everything

The MacDock Pro gives you the opportunity to connect everything in your working station in one simple, neatly designed dock. The MacDock Pro is made of Aerospace grade Aluminium and you can get it in MacBook silver or black slate. The MacDock is purely plug-and-play, which means you don’t need to install anything for it to work.

With MacDock Pro you can connect:
• Monitor
• Audio Jack
• Three x USB 3.0 (Also compatible with USB 2)
• One 12W Power USB to charge your iPad

• MacBook silver
• Black slate

• All MacBook Pro 13″, 15″ and 17″ models starting summer 2009
• All MacBook Pro Retina 13″ and 15″ models

The current model of the MacDock is compatible with all the MacBook Pro models starting Summer 2009 and all the new MacBook Pro Retina models. Have a look at the picture and compare the two marked sockets with your own MacBook. If they are arranged the same way, congratulations; your MacBook is compatible with the current MacDock family.

Production roadmap and projected timeline:
• May Finalizing design and construction of the MacDock
• June Start CNC testing, do batches of electronics
• July Product tests, certification and finding fulfillment partner
• September Start production of final version
• October Start shipping the first MacDocks to earliest backers

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