Apple Is Now The World’s Top PC Vendor (If You Include The iPad)

asymco’s Horace Dediu says that if you include tablets, Apple is now likely the world’s number one personal computer vendor.

Dediu notes that, according to Gartner, HP shipped 14.7 million PCs in the last quarter, and while he doesn’t have the total global figure for Apple, his estimates are 5.2 million Macs and 14.7 million iPads, for a total of 19.9 million computers in the same period, and the provisional estimate of Apple in front by over five million units is unlikely to disappear as the statistical metrics form up.

He further observes that iPad excluded, Apple went from a 3.42% global market share at the end of 2008 to a 5.6% share today, but with the iPad in it now enjoys a 17.6% share. Meanwhile HP went from 19.3% in 2008 to 16% today or just 13% if iPad is included.

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