Holiday Sale: Take $50 off every 10th-generation iPad at Amazon

iPad Air FamilyAmazon has Apple’s 10th-generation iPads on sale for $50 off MSRP, starting at $399, as part of their Holiday Sale. Their discount applies to all models and all colors. With the discount, Amazon’s prices are the lowest currently available for new 10th-gen iPads:

– 10″ 10th-generation 64GB WiFi iPads: $399 $50 off MSRP
– 10″ 10th-generation 256GB WiFi iPads: $549 $50 off MSRP

– 10″ 10th-generation 64GB WiFi + Cellular iPads: $549 $50 off MSRP
– 10″ 10th-generation 256GB WiFi + Cellular iPads: $699 $50 off MSRP

It’s important to note that Amazon tends to sell out quickly, but they do restock, so check their site often. Amazon’s prices can be dynamic, meaning their prices sometimes fluctuate from full price to $50 off several times hourly.

For the latest prices & sales, keep an eye on our iPad Price Tracker, updated daily.

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