Visible drops price on 128GB iPhone SE to $384, plus get a free $200 gift card
In advance of Apple’s rumored introduction of an iPhone SE refresh on March 8th, Verizon’s low-cost wireless cell service, Visible, has dropped their price on the existing 128GB iPhone 13 by $65 to $384 when you switch and open a new line of service. Visible will include a free $200 gift card with the purchase…gift cards are available from MasterCard or a host of retailers such as Amazon, Target, and others, and will be made available to customers after 3 months of service. Free overnight delivery is available on all new phones:
– 128GB iPhone SE: $384 save $65
Monthly payment plans are also available. Visible uses Verizon’s 5G nationwide network and offers plans with unlimited data for $40 per month.
For the latest prices and deals, see our iPhone Price Tracker, updated daily. (Note: MacPrices is an affiliate partner with Visible and may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through one of our links. It’s how this site is supported–thank you!)