Early Holiday 2019 Sale: B&H again offers 10.2″ iPads for $30 off Apple’s MSRP, starting at $299

B&H Photo has 10.2″ iPads on sale again for $30 off Apple’s MSRP, starting at $299, as part of their early Holiday 2019 sale. Overnight shipping is free to many addresses in the US:

– 10.2″ 32GB WiFi iPads: $299 $30 off MSRP
– 10.2″ 128GB WiFi iPads: $399 $30 off MSRP

– 10.2″ 32GB WiFi + Cellular iPads: $429 $30 off MSRP
– 10.2″ 128GB WiFi + Cellular iPads: $529 $30 off MSRP

Keep an eye on our 10.2″ Apple iPad Price Tracker for the latest iPad sales and deals from Apple and its resellers.

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