27″ iMacs on sale for $100-$130 off MSRP, pay no sales tax in 48 states
B&H Photo has 27″ iMacs on sale for $100-$130 off MSRP. Shipping is free, and B&H charges sales tax for NY & NJ residents only:
– 27″ 3.8GHz iMac (MNED2LL/A): $2199 $100 off MSRP
– 27″ 3.5GHz iMac (MNEA2LL/A): $1869 $130 off MSRP
– 27″ 3.4GHz iMac (MNE92LL/A): $1699 $100 off MSRP
For more information, see our iMac Price Tracker, updated continuously.
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