10″ iPad Pros on sale for $50-$75 off MSRP, no tax in 48 states

B&H Photo has 10″ and #Apple #iPad Pros on sale for up to $75 off MSRP. Shipping is free, and B&H charges sales tax in NY & NJ only. Note that some sale prices are restricted to certain iPad colors (see product pages for details):

10″ iPad Pros:
– 10.5″ 64GB WiFi iPad Pro: $599 $50 off MSRP
– 10.5″ 256GB WiFi iPad Pro: $749 $50 off MSRP
– 10.5″ 512GB WiFi iPad Pro: $924 $75 off MSRP

– 10.5″ 64GB WiFi+Cell iPad Pro: $749 $30 off MSRP
– 10.5″ 256GB WiFi+Cell iPad Pro: $879 $50 off MSRP
– 10.5″ 512GB WiFi+Cell iPad Pro: $1074 $55 off MSRP

For the latest up-to-date prices and sales, see our 10″ iPad Pro Price Tracker.

Links above take you to retailer's website. MacPrices is a verified Apple affiliate.