MacHTTP-js Preview Full-featured Web Server for macOS Released

MacHTTP.Org has released MacHTTP-js Preview for macOS, a full-featured Web server for 21st Century desktops and servers.

MacHTTP-js is a modern take on the classic stand-alone, desktop computer Web server plus a whole lot more, using current state-of-the-art technology while derived from the core ideas that went into the creation of the original Mac Web server, MacHTTP.

MacHTTP-js eliminates the need to understand arcane command line tools or to be an expert in deploying Linux-based servers. Instead, it returns to its roots as a double-clickable application with a friendly user interface allowing anyone technical enough to operate a text editor to set up a web server or create compelling Web applications on their desktop which can be migrated to public servers.

“MacHTTP-js is an updated incarnation for a new generation of Mac desktop users,” says Chuck Shotton, creator of MacHTTP-js. “Why should anyone suffer with Apache or nginx on the desktop when MacHTTP-js is available? The answer is you shouldn’t.”

The Preview version of MacHTTP-js runs on any version of macOS that is actively supported by Apple.

Implemented with modern technologies like node.js, Express.js, and Electron, MacHTTP-js is designed for upcoming versions to run on multiple different operating systems and computers, from Macs running macOS to Windows 10, various flavors of Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, RHEL, etc.), and even Raspberry Pis running Raspbian or container-based systems like Docker. These other versions will be released as part of the final release of MacHTTP-js, coming soon.

For more information on MacHTTP-js, or to download the fully functional MacHTTP-js Preview version on macOS, free of charge, visit the web site:


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