Samsung Note 7 Woes Put Apple Back In Number One Spot In 4Q16 – Digitimes Research

Samsung Note 7 Woes Put Apple Back In Number One Smartphone Vendor Spot In 4Q16 – Digitimes Research

Digitimes Research’s Joseph Tsai re[ports that with the series of Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 battery fires reported and Samsung’s latest warning to customers to turn off the smartphones immediately to prevent further incidents, Digitimes Research senior analyst Luke Lin expects Samsung’s overall smartphone production for the second half of 2016 to be seriously impacted, and culd allow Apple, number-two smartphone vendor worldwide since 2011, to regain the number-one spot in fourth quarter 2016.

Lin deduces that Samsung’s overall smartphone production for Q416 will drop from 75-80 million units estimated after Samsung already cut its Note 7 manufacturing volume by half in late-September, to only 70-75 million units. He notes that Samsung originally expected its battery replacement program to maintain Galaxy Note 7 demand in the fourth quarter, but with with replacement devices still manifesting the same problem, he says the Korean tech giant has made a decision to cease production of the Note 7 and is unlikely to be able to re-design and re-release a new flagship smartphone to replace the Note 7 before the end of 2016,

The last time Apple was the largest smartphone vendor was in the fourth quarter of 2010.

For the full report, visit here:

Source Digitimes Research

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