USB-IF Announces USB Audio Device Class 3.0 Specification – Standardized Solution For All Digital Audio Applications

USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF), the support organization for the advancement and adoption of USB technology, today announced the USB Audio Device Class 3.0 specification to establish USB Audio over USB Type-C as the primary solution for all digital audio applications, including headsets, mobile devices, docking stations, gaming set-ups and VR solutions.

Device manufacturers can eliminate the need for multiple ports and efficiently deliver data, power and video over a single connector with USB Type-C and USB Power Delivery. To further support a single-cable solution, USB Audio over USB Type-C provides a standardized approach to deliver compelling user benefits, device interoperability and ease-of-use across all digital audio applications.

“USB is the simplest and most pervasive connector available today, making USB Type-C the logical choice for the future of digital audio,” maintains Jeff Ravencraft, USB-IF President and COO. “We encourage companies interested in adopting USB specifications to take advantage of USB-IF resources to reduce time-to-market and deliver reliable USB products.”

The USB Audio Device Class 3.0 specification makes it easier to support digital audio over USB, add capabilities to reduce power consumption and add support for new features such as hotword detection. It defines minimum interoperability requirements across analog and digital solutions to minimize user confusion when not all hosts or devices support audio consistently. USB Audio over USB Type-C allows OEMs to remove the 3.5mm analog audio jack, shaving up to a millimeter off product designs and reducing the number of connectors on a device. Fewer connectors will open the door for innovation in countless ways and make it easier to design waterproof or water-resistant devices. For more information and to download the specification, visit the USB-IF website at

USB-IF Developer Days

USB-IF is hosting two USB Developer Days, the first in Houston, September 27-28 and the second in Hong Kong, October 19-20. USB-IF encourages hardware developers and software developers with a focus on I/O connectivity and performance, form factor design, user interface, power management, cables, connectors and other areas of expertise to attend the USB DevDays. USB-IF membership is not required, space is limited and registration fees apply. For more information, please visit the USB-IF website.

The non-profit USB Implementers Forum, Inc. was formed to provide a support organization and forum for the advancement and adoption of USB technology as defined in the USB specifications. The USB-IF facilitates the development of high-quality compatible USB devices through its logo and compliance program, and promotes the benefits of USB and the quality of products that have passed compliance testing. Further information, including postings of the most recent product and technology announcements, is available by visiting the USB-IF website at:

Source: USB Implementers Forum, Inc.

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