Duplicate Sweeper Free On Mac App Store For One Week to Celebrate macOS Launch – Normally $19.99

To celebrate the launch of Apple’s latest macOS Sierra, Stafford, United Kingdom based Wide Angle Software has announced that its duplicate file finder software, Duplicate Sweeper, is now available for free for a limited time on the Mac App Store. Duplicate Sweeper makes finding and removing duplicate photos, music, documents and other files on your Mac quick and easy. Duplicate Sweeper is fully compatible with MacOS Sierra, as well as all 64-Bit Macs running OSX 10.8 or higher.

The much anticipated release of MacOS Sierra update by Apple earlier this week has brought us a range of useful new features, including Siri on a Mac and the new Messages app. Another big reason to update to MacOS Sierra is its optimized storage feature, which automatically clears up old files and documents, deletes old movies and Mail attachments and empties trash automatically.

Duplicate Sweeper is also a tool that saves you precious space on your flash memory drive and makes finding, selecting and removing duplicate files on your Mac easy. It enables you to search for duplicates of all file types, such as your photos, videos, music or documents and you can select which folders to search for duplicate files in. For even more control, search preferences can be added so that only files matching your given criteria are searched. Duplicate Sweeper can ignore files that are larger than and/or smaller than given sizes. It can also ignore files with the given file extensions so that any important file types can be left out of the search.

Once Duplicate Sweeper has found all of the duplicates in the given folders, it allows you to select which files from the duplicates you wish to remove. Duplicate Sweeper has a built in document viewer so that you can check a file is not important before selecting to remove it. If you do not wish to manually select the files to remove, Duplicate Sweeper has multiple options to determine which files to remove for you.

Before removing files, Duplicate Sweeper displays a quick list of all the files that will be removed. It will also display how much space you will save by removing those files as well as a small breakdown of the media types being removed. Once you’re happy to remove those files, Duplicate Sweeper can send them all to your Trash with a single click. These files can then be emptied from your Trash to delete them permanently or restored should the need arise.

System Requirements:
* OS X 10.8 or later
* 64-bit processor
* 2.4 MB

Duplicate Sweeper 1.02 is currently free for one week only, and available worldwide through the Mac App Store in the Utilities category. It normally retails at $19.99 (USD) from Wide Angle Software’s website.

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Source: Wide Angle Software

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