RESCUECOM 2016 Semi-Annual Computer Reliability Report Helps Pick Most Reliable Back-to-School Technology

The beginning of a new school year is upon us again, in which students and parents have some very important choices to make, often including the purchase of a computer or tablet. Whether you are going off to your first year of college, in high school, or are the parent of a school-aged child, you want to be able to rely on your technology throughout the school year and beyond.

Syracuse, New York based RESCUECOM, an industry leader in computer repair, provides a clear report of the most and least reliable tech brands using their trademarked ReliabilityScore and ReliabilityGrade designations in order to help readers to better understand how they rank the products and why.

RESCUECOM offers the results of their methodical and detailed research so that you can truly know based on clear, concise evidence what brands you can trust without the worry and hours of personal research that often go into purchasing new technology.

Amazon tops RESCUECOM’s 2016 rankings with a score more than triple that of its closest contender. The company increased its market share in 2015 and has never let go of its domination over the competition in terms of quality and reliability.

Verizon takes second, likely because it is the wireless carrier with the best overall network performance and reliability in major market tests that should transfer to the performance of its devices, RESCUECOM notes. Third-ranked is LG, which has a very popular line of Android tablets that RESCUECOM observes receive consistently good reviews from experts and consumers on,, CNET, Digital Trends, and similar sites.

Apple, with its its iPad, Mac, and iPhone, rounds out the top four. Samsung comes in fifth, holding a very good ReliabilityGrade amid stiff competition due to the consistent reliability and high performance of its Galaxy Edge and Galaxy Note devices.

The middle of the pack includes Microsoft, Lenovo, and Acer. RESCUECOM notes that Microsoft has a solid grip on the PC market with the Windows OS, but many users are having trouble adjusting to Windows 10. Lenovo produces lower-performing laptops and tablets at low cost, but its desktop PCs perform extremely well according to a recent RESCUECOM report.

Asus, Dell, HP, and Toshiba hold down the bottom end of the rankings, having, as RESCUECOM puts it: “saturated the market with unreliable laptops and tablets.”

Results of the 2016 Back to School Computer Reliability Report:


1 Computer repair share percentages and computer reliability scores include tablets.

2 The computer reliability report does not include “other” brands, defined as all brands that have below 1.0% market share or not on the market for at least one year.

3 Market shares are provided by IDC.

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