Bycle Bike Mount Turns Your iPhone into Ultimate Riding Companion

There’s lots of tech out there for cyclists. From action cameras to GPS units – you’ve got choices. But all this gear can get bulky, not to mention downright budget-crushing. So developers of the Bycle smartphone bike mounting system decided to streamline the whole process. Bycle is claimed to be the first bike mount that allows you to use your smartphone’s GPS and video recording features simultaneously. Just snap your smartphone in, download Bycle’s App and go.

The unique design lets you navigate, capture and share every ride you take from a single compact unit. Plus, Bycle gives you the power to keep track of everything, including live map tracking, calories burned, distance covered, speed, and more. Available in two models, the S-Mount and E-Mount, Bycle is water resistant, shock resistant and won’t interfere with any of your phone’s features.

“Bycle’s mount and app combined will allow every bike rider to enhance their routes with a seamless integration of video, maps and more,” says Miguel Hidalgo, co-founder of Bycle. “By integrating both products, riders can create interactive experiences they couldn’t share before.”

“I believe Bycle is a leap forward within the bicycle accessory market,” says Gustavo Grossmann, co-founder of Bycle. “It was simply a matter of time. People needed to enhance their phone’s capabilities, instead of buying different gadgets to do what most smartphones already do.”

Bycle S-Mount & E-Mount

As noted, the Bycle mount is available in two models – the S-Mount and the E-Mount. What differentiates one from the other is the 3000 mAh battery pack on the E-Mount, which can charge and iPhone 6s 1.7 times, and the single grip of the S-Mount in contrast to the double grip of the E-Mount.

With each mount, Hidalgo and Grossman added an element that made it unique: a prism lens. When riding, the phone was only able to provide efficiently one task at a time, but now, by incorporating a prism in front of the camera, the mount enabled new features beyond a binary choice. Before, you had to choose between using the phone as a recording device, making the screen hardly visible to the rider, or as a bike computer, which obstructed the camera’s angle. Now the camera looks forward instead of facing down due to the prism lens, and the screen still faces the user.

Riders using a Bycle mount can comfortably record footage of the road in front (as an alternative to the unappealing ground), while safely using the phone as a navigation system and fitness data tracker after downloading the Bycle App.

Bycle App

The Bycle App will collect, display, and combine all elements of the ride by creating a shareable video. The app integrates fitness data, route mapping, and video recording from the road. Control the video by using the map itself, instead of a trivial timeline to browse forward or to rewind. A rider can go back to relive every moment of the route, minute by minute, mile by mile, calorie by calorie – and share his thrill with riders like himself.


This is a experience that only the Bycle mount and Bycle App together can provide. There is no need to buy expensive gadgets to do what phones already do. At Bycle, they’re strong believers that the technology we already own should achieve greater results when applied to a new context. They are initially releasing Bycle Mount for iPhone 6,6s, 6 plus and 6s plus, and Bycle App for iOS, to be pre-ordered through Kickstarter beginning July 14th. They anticipate shipping their first batch by September. Later this year, they plan on releasing mounts and apps for different smartphone brands and operating systems.

Bycle on Kickstarter

To fulfill the minimum order requirement necessary to go into production, we have launched a Kickstarter campaign. Bycle mounts will be available for pre-order at Early backers can get up to 36% off of the retail price with shipping included, with the S-Mount starting at $45.00 and the E-Mount starting at $70.

Source: Bycle

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