Windows Still Main Issue in RESCUECOM’s First Biannual Computer Repair Report – macOS Problems Rare

Syracuse, New York based computer repair company RESCUECOM
is showcasing a big change in its newest Computer Repair Report by compiling statistics biannually rather than quarterly and, in doing so, has discovered that difficulty with Windows has not eased as much as expected, although there has been some slight improvement.

Windows app and Windows OS problems eclipsed all other problem
issues referred to RESCUECOM, accounting for a whopping 57 percent of the calls. By contrast, Mac App and OS Trouble accounted for only a minuscule 0.7% of the calls, and was number 10 on the list of 13 problems cited.

The Computer Repair Report is created by gathering information from every call received for computer repair at 1-800-RESCUE-PC and constructing a ranked list of every technology issue that troubles consumers and businesses.

Following are the rankings for RESCUECOM’s first semi-annual report:

1. Windows App and Windows OS Problems (57.0%)

2. Viruses / Spyware / Malware / Pop-Ups (11.3%)

3. Printer Trouble (7.5%)

4. Poor Computer Performance / Slow PC (7.0%)

5. Internet / Network / Wi-Fi Connection (4.7%)

6. Email Issues (4.4%)

7. Failure to Boot / Blue or Blank Screen (3.0%)

8. Hardware Issues / PC or tablet (2.1%)

9. Data Recovery / Movement (1.8%)

10. Mac App and OS Trouble (0.7%)

11. User Error (0.3%)

12. Phone Difficulty (0.2%)

13. T.V. Problems (0.1%)

RESCUECOM reports that all problems with Windows, whether related to its apps or its OS, continue to make up the majority of computer repair calls and viruses, spyware, and malware. The foremost Internet security threats are always major concerns and rank second. Trouble with printers ranks third, while issues with sluggish or choppy computer performance rounds out the top four.

The company reccommends that the best way to keep your computer and mobile devices safe from any potential danger is to keep your OS and apps updated at all times, take advantage of cloud storage, and install the best Internet security programs, such as the RESCUECOM Internet Security Suite. They also suggest that free antivirus software only makes you feel safe while actually leaving you vulnerable, and that the quality of paid software is much higher and provides real safety from dangers lurking online.

Hardware problems with printers, computers, phones, or TVs may not be easy for those who do not have professional training or experience to fix. User error is still an issue, albeit a small one, and is easily prevented by keeping devices away from liquids, avoiding dropping them, and having a means of preventing passwords from being lost or getting into the wrong hands. When problems do strike, users may require an expert such as a RESCUECOM Certified Level-3 technician to provide data recovery and system recovery solutions.

RESCUECOM says even those who are most prepared cannot foresee every possible difficulty that may arise, but you do not need to be technologically proficient to prevent many that commonly affect users. Keeping all files and programs up to date, always having antivirus software not only available but running, avoiding simple mistakes that can lead to damaged tech devices, and securing passwords are all simple steps you can take to keep your technology in top shape.

For more information, visit:

or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC (1-800-737-2837).


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