Millennials Select Top Dream Companies – Apple 8th

The 9th Annual National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) 2016 Millennial Career Survey uncovers the top employers selected by more than 13,000 high school students, college students and young professionals. NSHSS is an international honors organization helping to advance the goals and aspirations of high-achieving students. NSHSS partners with Hanover Research to conduct the survey to gain insight into the preferences and attitudes of high-achieving millennials, now the largest generation in today’s workforce.

3M tops the list as the most preferred employer this year, with Google – the top choice in 2015 – moving to No. 2. Overall, technology companies are most popular among respondents, with nine employers in the top 25 list. Hospitals or health companies rank second, with six employers in the top 25 list. Companies new to the top 25 include: BuzzFeed (No. 7), Nike (No. 15), Universal Studios (No. 17), Netflix (No. 18), Boeing (No. 21) and Samsung (No. 25).

“The survey findings yield unique insights into developing strategies for employers regarding generational differences in the workplace and for engaging the emerging talent pipeline,” said James W. Lewis, president of NSHSS. “Currently, the top career interests of this group are STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), business and arts, entertainment and media. Millennials hope to find in the workplace fair treatment, corporate social responsibility and strong company benefits, which include flexible work schedules.”

The 2016 Top 25 Employers of Choice include:

1. 3M

2. Google

3. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

4. Walt Disney Company

5. Local hospital (write-in option)

6. FBI

7. BuzzFeed

8. Apple, Inc.

9. Central Intelligence Agency

10. Amazon

11. Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta

12. Health Care Services Corporation

13. Mayo Clinic

14. Microsoft

15. Nike

16. U.S. State Department

17. Universal Studios

18. Netflix

19. DreamWorks Animation SKG

20. The New York Times

21. Boeing

22. National Security Agency (NSA)

23. Abercrombie & Fitch

24. Blue Cross Blue Shield

25. Samsung

“The NSHSS survey helps our organization and employers understand the goals and interests of this influential generation,” says Dr. Susan Thurman, scholarship director of NSHSS. “Our survey offers important insights for employers to develop strategies to engage and retain top talent.”

The survey respondents are members of NSHSS ages 15 to 32. This diverse group – 48 percent African-American, Hispanic or Asian, 23 percent first generation college students and 39 percent multilingual – is reflective of U.S. demographic shifts.

“The group represents an important segment of the millennial generation focused on college and career success. The confidence they place in entering the workforce quickly in their field of choice, may be more realistic than in previous years,” explains Thurman.

The complete Career Survey examined the areas of employment preferences, career planning, educational goals and world issues that millennials are most interested in impacting. For the complete list of top companies and to view the 2016 Annual Millennial Career Survey in its entirety, visit:

For more information about NSHSS visit:

Source: The National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS)

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