Fastest Disk Cleaner for Mac Now Checks iTunes and iOS Leftovers

Power APP has announced Disk Cleaner! 1.2.0 for OS X, an update to their app for cleaning the hard disk from leftovers and unnecessary files. Among Disk Cleaner!’s most distinguishing features is its ability to intelligently detect and remove browser cache files for all modern browsers. Disk Cleaner! is meant to scan the hard disk for unneeded files and analyzing them, and can remove application, caches, old log files, browser preview images and much more. Version 1.2.0 adds additional languages, and now scans for leftovers from both iTunes and iOS.

Findings are presented to the user, who can then either accept the tool’s decision or review the list and manually check which files should be deleted and which files should stay on the hard drive. Version 1.2.0 offers additional functionability as it now scans for leftovers from both iTunes and iOS. Additional languages have also been added to enahnce the user experience.

Disk Cleaner is scanning, analyzing and deleting following types of clutter on the harddisk (deleting allows interactive choices):
* Application and browser caches and logs
* Browser previews
* Downloads and trash
* Xcode builds
* Broken and aborted downloads
* Leftovers of old iOS and iTunes updates and backups

“Traveling a lot and using Macbooks with SSD while traveling means automatcally limited disk space due to the SSD. Since we are using a bunch of different iPhones and iPads to test our apps each one of them is generating litter on the harddisk. This can be deleted or old apps, backups from apps that are not needed anymore and backups from old versions of iTunes. It’s a big help to automate the process of finding and deleting all that litter.” says Christian Schaffner, GM of Swiss-based Power APP AG.

System Requirements:
* OS X 10.10 or later
* 64-bit processor
* 1.5 MB

Disk Cleaner! 1.2.0 is available in the Mac App Store in the Utilities Category for $2.99 (USD) or similar amount in other currency.

Power App:

Disk Cleaner! 1.2.0:

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