Slate Mobile AirDesk For Laptops

Laptop computers are designed for mobility but they’re missing the comforts of a desk. Laptop users who actually use the machines on their laps are forced into poor posture and terrible ergonomics that can result in and back pains, repetitative stress injury, lost items, overheating computers, heat on our laps and thighs (which can cause infertility in males), and an overall slow work speed.

The developers of the Slate Mobile AirDesk for laptops searched through one retail store after another, and say that much to their dismay, they only found basic accessories and plain-old surfaces for our laptops. So, the invention of the Slate was born. It’s claimed to be the only product of its kind.

Obsessive Attention to Detail

The Slate is cut from a block of pure, premium bamboo. It’s ultra lightweight, super strong, and it will absorb the heat from your laptop. The curves, air ventilation, and docking station are chiseled, hand-sanded, and polished to mirror the feeling of glass. A super thick and heavy duty mouse pad is installed and sits flush against the surface of the slate

Heat Protection

Comfort should include temperature control but laptops release continual heat. The Slate’s ventilation cools down laptops. Any of the remaining heat is absorbed within the natural bamboo.

Better Posture

The Slatepromotes healthier posture. The mousepad balances to the right and the laptop is centered, facing our bodies. Its more like using a desk but the Slate can be used in comfortable environments.

Phone and Tablet Display

The Slate couldn’t be considered the Mobile AirDesk without an extended display dock for our phones and mini tablets. The dock includes a cable slot and it can fit just about any phone or mini tablet on the market.

Size: 22.5 11.5 .75 (inches)
Material: 100% rapidly renewable bamboo
Delivery: Shipping Mid-January
Disclaimer: laptop, phone, tablet not included

Made in USA

Mousepad Color: white, gray, black
Model type – right handed, left handed

Slate Mobile AirDesk For Laptop is currently on sale for $98 (regular $129.99).

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