Best Buy Black Friday deals on MacBooks, iPods, iPads, and more
BLACK FRIDAY Best Buy has posted their Black Friday specials for 2013. Save on the following products for sale on their online store today, and select free home shipping or free instant local store pickup (if available, starting on Friday):
– 15″ Retina MacBook Pros: $150 off all models
– 13″ MacBook Pros: $200 off select models
– 13″ & 11″ MacBook AIrs: $150 off all models
– 21″ 2.7GHz iMac: $1099.99 normally $1299
– iPad Airs: $50-$70 off models
– 16GB iPad 2: $299.99 save $100
– iPhone 5C for $48, normally $99
– 32GB iPod touch: $249.99 save $50
– 16GB iPod nano: $99.99 normally $149
– $100 iTunes Gift Card for $85
– AirPort Extreme: $179.99 $20 off
– Apple TV: $84.99 $15 off
Prices are valid for online orders. Order today and avoid the weekend crowds!