Soluto Names 13-Inch MacBook Pro The Best Performing Windows Laptop
In its PC Purchasing Guide for Small Businesses Monthly Report, April 2013, IT analytics from Soluto has named the 13-inch MacBook Pro the Soluto Best Performing Windows Laptop for Apr 2013. The larger 15-inch rMBP is ranked sixth among the top ten Windows laptops.
Soluto says that while the MacBook Pro is the most expensive PC among the top 3, if youre looking for top reliability – the data is clear. MacBook Pro is the best Windows PC on the market.
They add that an important factor in this machine’s evaluation metrics is the fact that every Windows installation on it is clean, and with PC manufacturers loading so much crapware on new laptops, this makes for a bit of an unfair competition. However, they contend that PC makers should look at this data and aspire to ship PCs that perform just as well as Windows cleanly installed on a MacBook Pro.
In one of Soluto’s next reports they’ll include a separate comparison of only cleanly-installed machines, but for this first report they simply compared the real PCs in the field, some with original images and some reinstalled by their users, which they believe is more representative of reality.
They also acknowledge that there are definite disadvantages to using Windows on Mac. First there’s more work to do (buy Windows, set-up BootCamp, install Windows, etc), and also, the Apple keyboard is not optimized for Windows (e.g. no Del key), and there may be driver issues. But on the other hand, the Mac has an amazing trackpad unparalleled by any PC, and a very solid build.
And, they say, some people think Mac users look smarter. So if you’ve ever looked for an excuse to buy a MacBook now you have it.
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