iOS Dominant and Growing; Tablet Space Still Belongs to iPad – Survey
Velti has released data from its global exchange for the month of March showing the health and activity of the mobile ecosystem and taking a closer look at the ongoing battle between iOS and Android in the mobile space.
iOS: Dominant and Growing
iOS only increased its impression share over Android by 0.6% this month, but still accounts for a dominant 66% of overall impressions.
iOS devices accounted for eight of the top 10 devices globally again this month Android only broke in with the Samsung Galaxy S II and S III coming in 8th and 10th place, respectively.
Samsung is running away with the Android market in terms of ads served according to Veltis figures, with 68.2 percent of all Android impressions. Thats no surprise given the company’s clear continued dominance in terms of hardware sales.
The Tablet Space Still Belongs to iPad
Velti’s data found that the iPad accounted for 91.6 percent of all tablet ad impression during the month of March and only lost impression share to the iPad mini, which gained a full percentage point to come in at 6.2 percent of impressions during the month.
The Kindle Fire was the next strongest device, with a comparatively small piece of the pie at 1.6 percent of total tablet impressions. However, the Kindle Fire still dominates the Android tablet segment, capturing 73.4% of all Android tablet impressions.
In addition to the above, the report also includes data around the top 10 app categories determined by app impressions, days of the week app usage spikes, impression breakdown by countries, and more.
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