comScore Reports Big Jump in January Smartphone Adoption Driven Largely by Apple
comScore, Inc. has released data from the comScore MobiLens service, reporting key trends in the U.S. smartphone industry during the three month average period ending January 2013. Apple ranked as the top smartphone manufacturer with 37.8 percent OEM market share, while Google Android led as the #1 smartphone platform with 52.3 percent platform market share.
Smartphone OEM Market Share
The report notes that 129.4 million people in the U.S. owned smartphones (55 percent mobile market penetration) during the three months ending in January, up 7 percent since October. Apple ranked as the top OEM with 37.8 percent of U.S. smartphone subscribers (up 3.5 percentage points from October). Samsung ranked second with 21.4 percent market share (up 1.9 percentage points), followed by HTC with 9.7 percent share, Motorola with 8.6 percent and LG with 7 percent (up 0.3 percentage points).
Smartphone Platform Market Share
Google Android ranked as the top smartphone platform with 52.3 percent market share, while Apples share increased 3.5 percentage points to 37.8 percent. BlackBerry ranked third with 5.9 percent share, followed by Microsoft (3.1 percent) and Symbian (0.5 percent).
MobiLens data is derived from an intelligent online survey of a nationally representative sample of mobile subscribers age 13 and older. Data on mobile phone usage refers to a respondents primary mobile phone and does not include data related to a respondents secondary device.
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