LG Display Sees 90% iPad Panel Shipment Drop In January
Digitimes’ Rebecca Kuo and Alex Wolfgram report that LG Display’s panel shipments for the 9.7-inch iPad dropped to 600,000 units in January 2012, a precipitous 90 percent drop from six million units in the previous month, according to industry sources.
The sources told Kuo and Wolfgram that the drop is largely due to the growing popularity of the iPad mini as well as increasing demand for low-priced tablets. Additionally, January is traditionally a slow period for panel shipments, and they say the company is expected to see a rebound in its 9.7-inch iPad panel shipments during the second quarter due to anticipated release of Apple’s 5th-generation iPad in the third quarter, the sources noted.
The reporters also note that research firm WitsView projects that in the first half of 2013, 35 percent of Apple tablet shipments will be for the iPad and the remainder the iPad mini.
For the full report, visit here: