Build an OS X Boot Disk The Really, Easy Way

Lion DiskMaker is an application programmed with Applescript that you can use with Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7, and OS X 10.8 to burn a DVD or to build a bootable drive from Mac OS X Lion or the OS X Mountain Lion installation program. As soon as you launch the application, it tries to find the OS X install program with Spotlight. Then, it proposes to build a DVD or create a bootable install disk. It’s the easiest way to build an OS X Installer in a few clicks.

To burn the DVD, youll need a SuperDrive and a writable DVD (single layer, 4.7 GB for Lion, or dual-layer, 8.5 DVD-R). To build a bootable disk, youll need an 8 GB (minimum) USB thumb key drive, a USB or Firewire drive or an SD-Card.

Note: Lion DiskMaker will erase the volume or the drive you chose, according to the options you chose. Don’t forget to backup your data first.

The OS X install application is automatically erased after you upgrade to the new version of OS X. If you need to download it again, open the Mac App Store, then open the Purchase page. You’ll be able to download Mac OS X Lion Install again.

The best time to use Lion DiskMaker is when you just finish downloading OS X from the Mac App Store. Create your disk with Lion DiskMaker, then install OS X.

If OS X came pre-installed with your Mac, there are two ways to get the OS X installer.

– If you already purchased OS X on the Mac App Store (and therefore have a valid copy of OS X install application), you can download the latest installer from Mac App Store first. This installer is compatible with Macs pre-equipped with your version of OS X.

– If you did not purchase OS X, but want to get an install disc, there is a way to get the InstallESD.dmg file for your Mac. The method is not really easy though. Check Macworld for the full story. After you got the InstallESD.dmg file, use it to build your key or DVD with Lion DiskMaker.

If you don’t have the complete OS X install app and just kept the InstallESD.dmg file, Lion DiskMaker will allow you to select manually an InstallESD.dmg file.

Lion is also still available from Apple, but you have to call Apple Support to get it. The price is $20, and it will be delivered as a redeemable code that you can use in the Mac App Store, so you’ll need a Mac running at least 10.6.8 to use the code.

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