Apple Devices Dominate Microsoft’s Bing Consumer Electronics Top Searches of 2012

The Bing Team has posted a report and infographic on the hottest Bing search topics of 2012.

Some of the returns are depressing, such as the two most searched persons of the year being famous-for-being-famous Kim Kardashian and Justin Bieber, whose appeal as a singing artist continues to elude me, and with Miley Cyrus and Jennifer Aniston in a tie for third. Bieber was also the most searched musician for 2012, and the Bing folks observe that even in an election year, the public’s interest focused more on pop culture than presidential candidates – Mitt Romney and Barack Obama finishing a distant 43rd and 46th respectively.

Indeed, for anyone unenchanted by the vacuous banality of contemporary popular anti-culture culture, the Bing metrics make grim reading.

However, there is happily a mitigating oasis for Apple fans in this vast desert of celebrity-worship fatuousness in that the iPhone 5 launch was the most searched news story on Bing in 2012, with the iPhone 5 launch, Kindle Fire HD Launch, and Facebook’s IPO all among the top 10 most searched news stories overall on Bing, and Apple products in four of the top ten consumer electronics search slots.

Top Bing Consumer Electronics searches 2012:

For the full report visit here:

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