Jumptap: iPad 3 Sales Robust but Web Traffic Small for Now
In its newly released March MobileSTAT, Jumptap, which specializes in targeted mobile advertising, reveals that while iPad 3 crushed sales expectations, traffic levels were small compared to prior device versions. According to iPad traffic on the Jumptap network of over 107 million monthly mobile users, iPad 3 use in the first six days after launch was heavy, but represented just a small percentage of overall iPad use that week. iPad3 traffic represented .52 percent of total iPad network traffic on the day of launch, peaked at 2.28 percent by day three, and closed out the week at 1.92 percent. iPad and iPad2, on the other hand, each maintained 45 percent or more of the total iPad traffic throughout the week.

“A very early read of the data would suggest that iPad3 is stealing traffic from the iPad2,” says Jumptap Chief Marketing Officer Paran Johar. “This trend suggests that iPad2 users may be more inclined to switch to the iPad3 than original iPad users.”
Additional March MobileSTAT Findings:
iPhone Users Love Wi-Fi:
– Data from the Jumptap network showed iPhone users as more likely to use Wi-Fi than Android and Blackberry device users. Fifty-eight percent of iPhone users utilized Wi-Fi, compared to 35 percent of Android users and 41 percent of Blackberry users. This could have been due to the fact that 4G iPhones didnt exist, so iPhone owners needed a Wi-Fi connection more often than 4G Android and Blackberry owners. Advertisers take note: iPhone users are ripe for geo-targeted campaigns because Wi-Fi offers strong location data.

Two Popular Games, Two Very Different Players:
– Based on third-party data that Jumptap uses to gain insights about its network audience, the characteristics of Angry Birds players vs. Words with Friends players proved to be very different. Angry Birds players were more likely to be Republican than their Words with Friends counterparts (45 percent vs. 23 percent). They were also twice as likely to be on a tablet as the average mobile user. Words with Friends players were more likely to have an income over $100K (40 percent). In short, Angry Birds offers advertisers a way to reach a broad demographic and to leverage tablet adverting, while Words with Friends has a higher income, smartphone-centric fan base.
Mobile Travels South for Spring Break:
– Data from the Jumptap network, sampled during a small window of spring break, revealed that mobile device owners from across the U.S. visited Mexico and Florida this March. A look at the states of origin of these devices showed that North Dakota residents were 80 percent more likely than the average American device owner to be in Mexico, and Maine residents were 103 percent more likely to be in Florida. New Jersey represented the state least likely to visit Mexico or Florida during the sample window.
MobileSTAT (Simple Targeting & Audience Trends) is a monthly view of the top targeting and audience trends in mobile advertising. Jumptap strives to better understand mobile audience and educate the entire mobile ecosystem through its insight reports. MobileSTAT contains analysis of hundreds of gigabytes of log data, run through Jumptaps analytics technology. To download a full copy of the Jumptap MobileSTAT report, visit: