2012: The Year of the Super-Platform – Strategy Analytics Predicts

The arrival of the media super-platform is one of the key predictions made by Strategy Analytics as it looks forward to 2012 in its latest report, 12 for 12: Digital Home And Media Predictions for Olympics Year. Connected TV, multiscreen and smart home all feature prominently in the predictions, with much of the discussion centering on the plans of Apple, Google and Microsoft, as they seek to influence the future direction of the digital home and the media value chain. Among the highlights, the Strategy Analytics Digital Consumer team predicts the arrival into the mainstream of the super-platform, a proprietary ecosystem of digital media, distribution, devices and storage on a massive scale. The report is available for complimentary download from the Strategy Analytics website.

The Super-platform will impact every facet of audience consumption, will diminish the role of the device, marginalize standalone content providers and raise the barriers to entry to historically unimaginable levels, says Ed Barton, Director, Digital Media Strategies. Now it is no longer enough to just be a multibillion dollar market leader to play this game. Bring an addressable market of over one hundred million devices, global territorial coverage, tier one content relationships across all entertainment formats and tens of billions of dollars to invest over the next decade, or go home.

The report also predicts several key statistical milestones in 2012, including:
• The global installed base of connected/smart TVs will grow by 68 percent to reach 200 million units;
• Social networks will generate global revenues of more than $7 Billion through advertising, virtual items and premium services; and
2012 will be the first year online gaming revenue outstrips packaged games, generating 45 percent of global revenue against 43 percent for packaged games.

View the Complimentary Insight, “12 for 12: Digital Home And Media Predictions for Olympics Year” here:

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