Apple Laptop Veteran Chooses MacBook Air Over 15″ MacBook Pro

T-GAAP’s E. Werner Reschke says he’s been a MacBook Pro owner since Titanium PowerBook G4 days, and recalls misgivings he had when making the transition from a G4 desktop tower to the laptop – a sleek and “less powerful” but “more portable” PowerBook G4. He recalls that it was a scary leap but when the PowerBook G4 arrived it was, as Steve Jobs would say, “magical”!

Werner Reschke’s experience pretty much mirrors my own shift from desktop to laptop when I bought a PowerBook 5300 back in 1996. I was totally hooked after just a half-hour or so, and have never looked back. Magical is the appropriate descriptor. Why continue using a hulking great 50 pound desktop, when I could be get all the computing power I needed and then some in this tiny, self-contained package?

Fast-forward to 2011, Reschke is now on his fifth 15″ Apple laptop. Then his wife got a new second-generation MacBook Air to replace her four year old MacBook Pro and instantly loved it. Fate intervened when Reschke dropped hos MacBook Pro, denting the side and shattering the screen. Faced with a repair bill of about $1200 for a three year old laptop, that obviously made no sense, and he says the more he looked at his wife’s sleek MacBook Air, the more he thought his PowerBook Pro looked like a boat anchor, and after making a sober assessment of what he does most of his day: email, web programming/surfing and some design work, he figured all of these could easily be handled by the MacBook Air’s 2.16 Core 2 Duo and Nvidia GeForce M320 IGPU, so he took the plunge and bought a 13″ 4GB/256GB SSD MacBook Air, which he allows was a GREAT decision.

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