Updated MacBook Price Trackers

We’ve updated our MacBook Price Trackers with the latest information on prices, bundles, and availability from Apple’s authorized internet/catalog resellers:

17″ MacBook Pro
15″ MacBook Pro
13″ MacBook Pro
13″ White MacBook
MacBook Air

We’ve consolidated previous-generation, leftover, and clearance MacBooks into their own price trackers for easier at-a-glance viewing:

17″ MacBook Pros: Leftover models
15″ MacBook Pros: Leftover models
13″ MacBook Pros: Leftover models
13″ MacBooks: Leftover models
13″ MacBook Airs: Leftover models

Apple Refurbished MacBooks
Older Mac Laptops

Links above take you to retailer's website. MacPrices is a verified Apple affiliate.

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