Holiday MacBook sales; $240 off MacBook Pros, $150 off MacBook, $70 off MacBook Airs
Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales are over for the 2010 season, but Christmas discounts are in full swing, with at least one reseller selling MacBooks for up to $240 off MSRP (note that these prices exceed the discounts offered by Apple on Black Friday). The following is a roundup of the lowest sale prices we’ve seen from Apple Authorized Internet/Catalog Resellers that are available today. Be sure to visit our price trackers for a list of the current prices on all new Macs from Apple’s Resellers – we update the price trackers each morning:
MacBook Pros:
MacConnection continues to offer Black Friday prices on MacBook Pros, with prices on sale by up to $240 off MSRP. Mail-in rebates are required for some systems. Shipping is free. Altogether, their prices are the lowest we’ve seen so far from any Apple Authorized Reseller. Take advantage of these prices while they last!
– 17″ 2.53GHz i7 MacBook Pro: $2149 $150 off MSRP
– 15″ 2.66GHz i7 MacBook Pro: $1979 $220 off MSRP
– 15″ 2.53GHz i5 MacBook Pro: $1759 $240 off MSRP
– 15″ 2.4GHz i5 MacBook Pro: $1599 $200 off MSRP
– 13″ 2.66GHz MacBook Pro: $1299 $200 off MSRP
– 13″ 2.4GHz MacBook Pro: $1049 $150 off MSRP
MacBook Airs:
MacConnection has MacBook Airs on sale for up to $51 off MSRP including free shipping:
– 11″ 64GB MacBook Air: $948 $51 off MSRP
– 11″ 128GB MacBook Air: $1139 $60 off MSRP
– 13″ 128GB MacBook Air: $1239 $60 off MSRP
– 13″ 256GB MacBook Air: $1529 $70 off MSRP
White MacBook:
MacConnection has the 13″ 2.4GHz White MacBook on sale for $150 off MSRP after rebate. Shipping is free. Their price is the lowest available for this model, and by a wide margin:
– 13″ 2.4GHz White MacBook: $849.99 $150 off MSRP