MacBook 12 Retina Pundit’s New Favorite Mac

If you’re eyeing the purchase of a new 12-inch Retina MacBook, but wondering if you can live with a single USB-C port, 2011-level CPU performance, and the unorthodox keyboard, you should find longtime Apple commentator T.J Luoma’s enthsiastic report on the first three weeks with his new littlest Apple laptop ever.

Photo Courtesy Apple

“After three weeks with the new MacBook, I can easily declare it as my favorite Mac, and none of the details that left some of the tech press wailing and gnashing their teeth have actually been a problem.”

Luoma says he didn’t think he’d ever love another Mac laptop as much as he loved his 2008 15″ MacBook Pro, in which he had been able to upgrade the RAM, remove the SuperDrive and replace it with a second hard drive, and even replace the battery, knowing that no future MacBook Pro would ever be as repairable and extensible as that one had been for him.

He also had replaced his iPad 3 with an iPad Air 2, which he says has been a very capable portable computer that can do a lot, but still not nearly all of the things that a Mac can do, and even with the new multitasking features coming in iOS 9 theres no way an iPad can replace his Mac.Mine neither. I also have an iPad Air 2, and would make the same observation. It’s a nice piece of work as far as it goes, but that’s not nearly far enouhg to seriously consider it an adequate substitute for my MacBooks.

Anyway, Luoma went shopping for a Retina MacBook Pro and walked out of the Apple Store a very happy owner of a new 512 GB MacBook with a 1.2GHz processor, and after three weeks of use affrims that he can say with absolute certainty that he regrets absolutely nothing about buying this MacBook. Well worth reading the full review if you’re shopping for a new laptop. It certainly broadened my perspective as a provisional 12-inch MacBook skeptic.

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